Thursday, October 16, 2008

Through Me...

kitten is doing very well taking her first few steps into being my slave. she responds well to most things with a little coaxing, and with some she doesn't need any coaxing at all. she really is a very good girl. However, she is starting to show a distinct fear of losing her identity to kitten. As things progress, she makes comments here and there about not wanting to lose the chance to be "K" (as we'll call her for anonymity's sake) instead of kitten. These are very evident when I have her write to me in the third person. I find that it brings out the very submissive kitten in her. I have very distinct reasons for everything I do with her, even though I rarely clue her in to what they are. Things are going very well, but she seems to be hitting a little snag with her realization that "K" and kitten are one person, not two. she is not schizophrenic; she is not having bouts of multiple personality disorder. she is, no matter what name she chooses to call the mask she wears at the time, the same person underneath. Sometimes it's more appropriate to act like "K" (such as in public, when I allow it), and sometimes it's more appropriate to act like kitten; however, those are still just two masks worn by the same person. 

Some people have more than two masks. Some have a different mask depending on whom they are with at the time. So, I don't think it's abnormal to have two masks. In fact, it's narrowing things down from multiple masks and making things less complicated. Ultimately, I would like her to whittle it down to a mixture of the two. she can take the good from both and combine them into one, while leaving the unnecessary parts behind. Perhaps along the way, she will realize that she doesn't need support and strength from "K" anymore. I hope she will realize that the things she got from being "K" (independence, self-sufficiency, strength) she can draw from me. If she needs the things she got from being "K" or "Slutty K" (self-assurance, confidence) or any other mask she wore in the past, she can get them through me. Through me she can be strong, secure, slutty, safe, sane, healthy, silly, loved, giddy, submissive, and most important...happy. Through me...

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